Black History Makers 2024
In our 4th year of partnering with the City of Daytona Beach to bring local Black history to the forefront, we here at Midtown Community Development Corporation are proud to present the 2024 class of Black History Makers.
The banners debut during the USA's Black History month, being an enduring testament to the strength of Blacks in Volusia County, the State of Florida, and the Nation.
For more on this annual event, visit our Black History Makers page.
S.U.D.S. 2024
Socks. Undies. Dresses. Shirts.
At the MCDC, we are closing gaps in Zone 6, helping residents plant the seeds and reap the harvests for better, sustainable futures.
We are individuals who are passionate about our community, its viability, sustainability, and self-reliability. We share a goal: to see a thriving Zone 6 and City of Daytona Beach. Our annual SUDS event is simply one way we continue to put resources in the hands of citizens for everyday living and future thinking.
The mission of the Midtown Community Development Corporation is to aggressively pursue development and revitalization opportunities within Zone 6 and the Community of Daytona Beach, Florida, at-large.
To maintain a mission of Social Justice
To protect the rights of residents by raising the awareness of economic development and employment (income gap), housing, voting rights, healthcare, education, law enforcement and criminal justice, and closing the digital divide through basic principles of equality, access, resources, and participation.
To enhance the ability for youth and young adults to garner a quality education by assisting in ways of Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM), career and technical education, digital divide for families, literacy building, and recreational activities.